Scorestreaks Over Killstreaks?
One of the biggest gameplay changes in the Black Ops series was the COD BO6 Gift CP introduction of Scorestreaks instead of Killstreaks. There’s a rumor going around that Black Ops 6 is bringing back true Scorestreaks, and honestly, that’s a huge deal.
Scorestreaks reward objective play, which makes modes like Domination and Hardpoint way more fun. If you remember Black Ops 2, you could get streaks by playing the objective, not just camping for kills. It encouraged better team play instead of people just sitting back trying to rack up kills for a chopper.
If they bring Scorestreaks back, I hope they also rework the balancing. In Cold War, streaks didn’t reset on death, which made it too easy to spam high-end streaks. Bring back BO2 balancing where you buy COD BO6 CP actually had to play smart to get your streaks. Thoughts?