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In June of 1971, I opened my first electronics repair business, on the East side of Crestview, in a small shed behind my parent's house. I had just graduated from Crestview High School and I knew that electronics was what I wanted to do. I read all the books I could find on the subject and was taking a correspondence course in electronics repair. Electronics came kind of natural to me and I was doing a good business. New things kept coming out like 8-track tape decks and the CB radio fad really started booming, and me with it! I would repair just about anything that came into my shop back in those days.

In the early 1980's I moved my business up town into a larger building and changed the name to Woolley Electronics. New things kept hitting the market like VCR's and those strange little things called computers - my first one was a Timex Sinclair. Soon after that Commodore Vic 20's and 64's became popular. I purchased a Commodore 64 and really got into modifications, repairs and writing basic programs for the 64's. During this time I also owned a small coin operated amusement business and repaired jukeboxes, commercial video games and pinball machines. In 1986 I moved Woolley Electronics out to Hwy 90 West (later to be called West James Lee Blvd) where it continued to grow into a very busy TV/VCR repair shop. Now in this 6,000 square foot building I had all the space I would ever need, right? I don't care what size building you occupy, you will run out of space! Then came the car stereo fad so we started custom designing speaker boxes that could be heard coming down the highway before you could even see the car!

During the early 1990's Things started changing again in the consumer electronics business - prices on new TV's and VCR's continued to drop, but the cost of parts and labor continued to increase due to the economy It wasn't very long before the cost of repair outweighed the cost of a new unit. Business started dropping off and TV shops slowly started to close down. I had no other choice but to do the same.

In September of 1996 I closed Woolley Electronics and after obtaining my license, launched a new career in Life and Health insurance sales. I enjoyed the insurance business but after 25 years of electronics it was hard for me to change. So while doing the insurance thing I "played" with computers, the Internet and built Web Pages part time.

Then came the Y2K thing (Y stands for "year" - 2 comes after 1 - and K stands for "kilo" which also means "thousand" when put together, gives you the year 2000) The New Millennium! - Computers everywhere! So, I just had to do it! In March of 2000 Woolley Computer Sales (WCS) opened in the same building previously occupied by Woolley Electronics. After ten successful years in the computer business the times then started getting bad in the spring of 2010. I kept the business open for one more year with hopes that things would improve. But in March of 2011 "Woolley Computer Sales logged off"

In August of 2011 I opened back up under a new business name, Woolley Communications, LLC

June of 2025 makes 54 years in business for me. During the last 25 years I have specialized in computers. I have seen many local computer shops come and go, but Woolley Communications, LLC is still open for business. We have desktop and laptop computers for sale, we are a full time computer repair shop, and we try to be the best of all local computer stores. This Web Site tells "The Rest of the Story".


Thank you for visiting and using our Web Site. 

Larry L. Woolley                         

Larry L. Woolley
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